This week we will be working on projects that will involve the retelling of Greek myths by small groups. We will give oral presentations of these retellings on Thursday and Friday. Each retelling will have a poster that has the following.
The TITLE of the myth.
The CONFLICT of the story. (Conflict = Problem)
The RESOLUTION of the story. (Resolution = Solution)
At least one illustration corresponding to the BEGINNING of the story.
At least one illustration corresponding to the MIDDLE of the story.
At least one illustration corresponding to the END of the story.
The following will be our groups and their respective myths.
Luke B, Isabella - "The Wooden Horse"
Michael, Max - "Arachne the Spinner"
James, Oceane - "KIng Midas"
Albert, Luke W - "Atalanta's Race"
Alex, Charlotte, Begimai - "Odysseus"
Denis, Celine, Amber - "Jason and the Argonauts"
It is important to remember that in these presentations, you will be retelling the story of the myth, but you WILL NOT be READING. You need to know and understand the beginning, middle, and end of the story as well as the CONFLICT and RESOLUTION. Please do not include sentences or paragraphs of summary on your poster that you plan to read. Your group should be retelling the story in your own words with every group member speaking for about the same amount of time. Be sure to plan who in your group will be retelling what parts of your story, who will be explaining which illustrations and who will be discussing the CONFLICT and RESOLUTION. There should be more than enough for every group member to do!
Let's have fun with these projects!